Council of young scientists

The Honorable President Serdar Berdimuhamedov notes that the harmonious development of every state and society is inextricably linked with science. Accordingly, great attention is paid to improving the science system in our independent country. In this regard, the activities of the Center of Young Scientists of the Central Council of the Youth Organization named after Magtymguly and the Young Scientists' Councils play an important role. Arkadag Hero Serdar said: "I am happy with the success of our young scientists and students in international scientific and educational competitions. The achievements of our youth are the honor of the state and the pride of our people." .
The National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov says that special importance should be given to the issues of continuous development of the science system and the introduction of modern advanced practices and digital technologies. Emphasizing that it is an important requirement to raise scientific and professional young Turkmen people, to open a wide way for them to penetrate deeply into world science, Hero Arkadag gives several specific instructions on further activation of international cooperation in this field. A wide range of work in this field is given to the Council of Young Scientists of S.N.Niyazov Turkmen Agricultural University and the scientific institutions operating within it.

Scientific clubs operating within the Young Scientists Council of the University
Currently, there are 9 scientific clubs in our university, and their members are conducting several scientific projects. They are:
1. "Master agronomist";
2. "Young agroecologist";
3. "Young Agrochemist";
4. "Golden drop";
5. "Engineer of the future";
6. "Innovative engineering technologist";
7. "Digital technologies";
8. "Young veterinarian";
9. "Weavers".

Achievements in scientific and creative competitions held in the country and internationally
By the decision of the Honorable President, in the 2024 competition held by the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan and the Central Council of the Youth Organization of Turkmenistan named after Magtymguly, the 3rd year student of the training program of Accounting and Auditing (in agriculture) of the Faculty of Agricultural Economics and Management of the S.A.Niyazov Turkmen Agricultural University Yaran Hudayberdiev won the first place and the lecturer of the Department of Livestock Products Processing Annayev Resul Gurtgeldievich won the second place. In addition, on the occasion of the Day of Science, the 4th year student of the Faculty of Agricultural Products Processing Atamurodov Halmuhammet won the 1st place in the exhibition competition of scientific projects between young scientists and young students organized by the Council of Young Scientists of our university. Gurtgeldiyev Begench, a 2nd-year student of Agricultural Mechanization at the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization, won the 2nd place. Vekilov Shohrat, a teacher of the Department of Agricultural Economics, won the 3rd place. Batyrov Kadyr, a 4th-year student of Grain Processing at the Faculty of Agricultural Products Processing, won the 3rd place.
In the scientific projects’ competition "The role of youth in achieving the goals of sustainable development" held by the S.A. Niyazov Turkmen Agricultural University on the occasion of the World Day of Environmental Protection on June 5, the member of the  "Master agronomist" club Yazbaev Mekan,  a 4th-year student of the Faculty of Agronomy won the 1st place.
Based on the instructions of our Hero Arkadag and Arkadag Hero Serdar, the importance of introducing advanced practices and technologies to production, and working together with agricultural scientists in this field, the scientists of the university prepared and presented proposals on increasing productivity in agriculture, improving agrotechnics for cultivating state-mandated crops, and breeding and selection work. 
The research, practical and production work carried out by the professors, graduate students and students of the S.A.Niyazov Turkmen Agricultural University during the Revival of the new era of the powerful state, related to the reform of the agricultural sector of the country, as well as the scientific work performed in the natural, precise and humanitarian fields. The publication of the 1st edition of the collection of scientific articles entitled "Scientific achievements in agriculture of Independent Turkmenistan" is of great importance.
In the agro-industrial complex, effective research works are carried out on 12 topics included in the curriculum of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan from the priority areas of science and technology. Scientific research work is being carried out in the educational and experimental agriculture and agrofield. Biohumus, Entomophages, as well as Silkworm breeding and breeding laboratories are of great importance in practical improvement of students' theoretical knowledge.
In the academic year 2023-2024, our students successfully participated in international and national level olimpiads competitions. 42 students from our university took part in 14 courses in the State competition for students of higher educational institutions organized by the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan. Also, our students won 22 gold, 42 silver, and 45 bronze medals at international Olympiads. In several competitions organized by higher education institutions, the students of our university successfully performed and won 43 1st, 70 2nd, 89 3rd places, a total of 202 places. They won 16 first places, 10 second places, and 17 third places in various sports competitions held at the state level.



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